
Sunday, December 30, 2012

ABE Day 2&3

#allBLACKeverything Day 2&3

Well yesterday was pretty uneventful in the quest for purchasing from Black owners. I didn’t need anything, I took my lunch to work and we had leftovers for dinner. After work however I took my 8 yr old to the lake we did stop off at McDonalds on East North for a small snack, (he was SO starving) They had a new 100% Juice drink (Slushy Like) It was pretty good.

I was however inspired by my girl B and her blog post. I so appreciated how she laid her plans and included her children in them. *AWESOME* Now, I was thinking oh, I am going to do the same thing. But I still am on the fence about talking to mine; (My 16 yr. old already thinks I’m being racist ever since I began getting my gas only on the BP on Atkinson) LOL. I may just have him read her entry and see what he thinks.
I kind of want to continue making changes and see if in fact they notice and ask questions about things.

I have however stumbled upon some questions when thinking about the whole process.

1) I have to get my cat fixed, so where is a black owned vet? ( I still don’t know where I can buy their food at)
2) I frequent the corner store by my house, OFTEN. The owner although he is not black, ever since I have known him, he employees Black men, (so should that count for something?) The children go there a lot after coning me out of dollars here and there so do I
  1. “Forbid” them from spending “my” money there?
  2. Make them earn EVERY dollar, so then it is theirs and they can spend it how they like?
  3. Just don’t give them money. J
3) If I support local people like MUEA, that’s good right? BUT buying the liquor at the COA is not supporting MUEA, is supporting COA
4) I have to get new soil for my garden (the car thieves stole my 10 bags of soil ggrrr) SO where do I get that from?
5) Oh, the Goodwill!! My favorite place. (made me feel kinda sad inside)
6) My son wanted money for the book fair, (We have a million books they don’t read so I wasn’t giving him any money anyway) but I did have to think about that, like hummm…

Just a few things I have to consider; none of which have caused me to second guess my decision.

I am excited to learn about more places and people to support, I only hope this will grow (really already has) into something bigger than ourselves (really it already is)
I even decided to start my own Partylight business and I have a couple other ideas that have been floating around in my head for a while and am trying to bring them to pass but as I was thinking about what I needed to do to get those up and running, I was suck wondering.

Can I buy those supplies from a Black owned establishment? ;)

I attempted today to shop at a location I believed to be black owned, the Galst Food Mart on North Ave. I actually liked it in there, but come to find out; they are not black owned anymore. L

I believe everything in time, so I plan to be very patient and take it one day at a time.

I did get the best ICED CHAI TEA from CMYB this morning! YUMMY!!


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