
Sunday, December 30, 2012


My spirit is moved this morning, as I woke up with many things on my mind. (When do I not) I was inspired by a few posts on Facebook that got the God in me on fire. I am excited for the future and I get emotional when I think about freedom for our people, true freedom, most importantly free minds…I was in the shower last week (I do mad thinking and get plenty ideas in there!) I was thinking about our city, reflecting on my time in the hood knocking on doors and talking with people. I was moved in many ways by everyone. I was out there mostly all by myself and I have to say the first time I went in the field alone I was kind of scared. But I had some of the best conversations with people and people were respectful and willing to engage. People really want better for themselves and their community. When I drive around now, I feel like I’m missing the people, but I also feel at home. I was on every end of the 15th district and I drive past places, I remember stories people shared. It really was a beautiful time and experience for me.
On the other side of that, I saw pain, suffering, hopelessness, oppression I saw a people who really didn’t understand the root of their problems. (Honestly, I am just now beginning to see myself.) It was then (in the shower) when I had that thought, and a vision of AFRICA flashed so clear in my mind I mean SO CLEAR I was taken a back in the shower…like almost fell.(I don’t get visions like THAT, that was crazy real) It was at that moment that I realized, I mean really realized that this generational curse in SO deeply rooted back to the mother land. I saw that we are tackling only a small part of the whole, the HEART (Africa) needs healing. A long journey indeed but if we start at home and then we can be an example for others to follow. I shared my thought with my team of ABE and I was so glad they didn’t think I was nuts, LOL I was right on the money. I was enlightened. J

Anyway, I feel myself rambling, I really just wanted to get these thoughts out here because, and well I want to.

This is day 17 of our 30 day “Challenge” I can say this. I can’t see myself after 30 days saying okay, back to the real world. THIS is my LIFESTYLE. I went into pick in save for the first time in 15 days to get my son his Asthma pump, I didn’t even feel like I was at home, I didn’t miss it at all. I did also; have to go to Wal-Mart for my cats’ food. (I will not kill my animals over the mission) I must say, that was a bit of a challenge, because I am the Queen of buying shit I don’t need… and the clearance section is my therapy. BUT I went in there got my cats food and bounced! *GOODJOB* I was thinking about accountability, now, I was accountable to more than just myself (knowing I don’t need to buy stuff I don’t need) but to my team(who will hold me accountable) and the People, GODS people they are the reason we are doing this. I have said it before, and will continue to say “IT IS NOT ABOUT ME”

I am ready to work, I keep hearing the topic about doing “more” in various meetings and conversations I have with people. For me it is just confirmation that I (WE) are on the right path, Question is will you join us?

I am hopeful for the future, and if you want liberation for people ALL people, not just African Americans but EVERYONE, PLEASE stay tuned and
“Be ready to work when called upon” *In my Eyon Biddle voice*

Is not a fad, it’s a movement

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