
Sunday, February 28, 2010

15 Minutes of Flame


In the pit

Of her stomach

Rage erupts.

Volcano like


through her


To the top

Of her head



Her body






Is leashed.

The flame



To rest



Monday, February 22, 2010


Swaddled in a blanket

of white

matters not
if its day
or night



The city


My desire
My fire

Was ignited
by you.

A spark

Turned to Flame
I will never be the same

I am burned.

Yet I long
And I yearn

For that fire
That desire

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Facebook | Victoria Lee

Facebook Victoria Lee: Sex

"It ain’t love girl, it’s just sex/when he’s done with you, on to the next/ save yourself for someone who’s true/ your supposed to be a woman of virtue/ close your legs stop giving yourself away/ don’t take that wrong, I ain’t saying make him pay/let him make love to your mind/ through conversation and intellectual times/ read a book talk about the plot/ see what type of brain he’s got/ not the kind he's trying to get from you/ damn girl to your own self be true/ it ain’t love girl it’s just sex.

In progress"

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Facebook | Vikki Gettinmyish Porter: Oohh La La

Oohh La La:

Her walls, an experience like none before
One trip inside and you long for more
You want out as bad as you wanted in
You want to stop as soon as you begin
Ecstasy unparallel it blows your mind
Keeps you coming back time after time
It’s far worse than that shit called crack
And like an addict you keep going back
You never felt something so silky smooth
With perfect ridges and awesome grooves
Each time you enter she takes control
She likes it like that…oh, you know
lay back ….relax…..
Come inside.."

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Facebook | Your Notes

Sun kiss

The sun beaming on my face
a kiss from Heaven
Sitting under the big shade tree
The sun slipped in and kissed me
Sitting under that big shade tree
My cheek felt warm and all aglow
I thought to myself
It’s God you know
With me under this big shade tree

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Her palms are sweaty
heart skips a beat
butterflies in her belly
he will be here soon
the house is in order
dinnner is done
what will he think?
hope he likes it.
skipping heart
He makes her feel this way
is it love?
skipping heart
He walks in
she looks up
he clinches his fists
it's never good enough

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I'm shining

This star is shining bright
in front of you.
But you can't see me?
I'm so bright
your not blind
you don't see me?
I am a star
I don't shine just for me
I shine for all to see
I shine for you and all we do
I'm shining
just look and see
before you miss me!"

Facebook | Your Notes

Eye Candy 2

He looked up felt her peeking
Sure enough she was creeping
He looked at her a bold as can be
Licking his lips so she could see
he really wanted that eye candy!
She looked up and smiled real shy
then she walked right on by
Damn to bad she will only be
a good lookin piece of eye candy!"

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Eye Candy

I looked at him
he did not see
what I saw..
A piece of eye candy!
I licked my lips on the sly
would love to give that candy a try
he sure looked sweet
too bad for me
he must remain
sweet eye candy!

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Today I saw somthing
I heard it too
Ifelt it in my soul
It was something new
been there all along?
perhaps I just acknowleged
what's been going on
today is not the same as yesterday
or is it?"

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Word to the mother who is home after school
Word to the Mother who breaks all the rules
Word to the Mother that works 3 jobs
Word to the Mother the serves her God
Word to the Mother strung on crack
Word to the mother that lies on her back
Word to the mother who is single as can be
Word to the Mother you have never seen
Word to the Mother 500 miles away
Word to the Mother you wish would stay away
Word to the mother who never shows love
Word to the Mother who is peaceful as a dove
Word to the Mother who pretends it’s alright
Word to the Mother who cries alone at night
Word to the mother whose man has her back
Word to the Mother who picks up his slack
Word to the Mother who stays for the kids
Word to the Mother who leaves for her kids
Word to the Mother who went back to school
Word to the Mother who ‘knows’ she’s cool
Word to the Mother that puts them first
Word to the Mother who has anger inside
Word to the Mother who wishes she died
Word to the Mother who didn’t ask for this shit
Word to the Mother who stands up to it
Word to the Mother who is only 13
Word to the Mother and all her strife
Word to your Mother She gave you life"

Facebook | Your Notes


She sighs
She cries

The pain flows from her eyes

She hides
She smiles

God see’s her all the while

She sighs
She cries

The pain is real
The pain is raw

He see’s her pain
He feels her pain

It will end
It will.

Still she cries

She laughs
She‘s Cool

She tries

She sighs
She cries"


He touched me
I shivered
He kissed me
I quivered
his scent aroused me
embraced my mind
we lay


My heart is broken
not shattered
it longs
my heart is broken
not shattered


I have pen and paper
Shall I write for you?
Shall I write about you?
Your soul speaks
it's all I hear.
A soft whisper

Pain, hurt, sorrow
hope for a better tomorrow
it's coming
it's on the way
I'll write about that day.


Hey Girl I love your smile
haven't seen it that genuine in a while
tell me what did you do?
Is it because of you know who?
did he step up his game
and start acting right
she replied
"hell naw, I left his ass for good last night."


I asked for gum
he gave me his
it was our one and only kiss.